Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Giving a Gift to the Savior....

Thanks Heather for posting this on your blog. I too had to share...

Josh Groban has an amazing voice and this is a perfect song for this time of the year. As we rush around trying to find the perfect present or stressing about what to give the neighbors (this is where I am today) we need to all take time to give to those in need this year.

My kids got a great letter from Santa this year. In the letter he talks about the true meaning of Christmas and how Christ was God's gift to the world. Santa reminds us that we need to give a gift back to the Savior and serve others. It says that "Christ was the perfect example of kindness, love and service to others. Serving is a gift from the heart." I will never forget watching Hayden's eyes fill up tears as he read this letter. He truly felt the Spirit and I was thankful that he recognized that. Last year we adopted a family for Christmas. It was a remarkable experience for our family. As we wrapped the gifts Hayden had tears in his eyes and he said that he felt something different as we bought the presents and now as we wrapped them. We talked about serving and helping others in need and how the Holy Ghost can testify to us that what we are doing is truly Christlike. My kids asked to adopt another family this year and unfortunately, our financial circumstances are quite different from one year ago. We have decided to serve without "buying gifts". We can serve one another or our neighbors or those we don't know. I think this will be another truly memorable Christmas for our family. We hope it will be for you too! Merry Christmas!

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