Sunday, November 9, 2008

A truly INSPIRING Testimony Meeting!

Today was one of those Sunday's where you sit in Church and realize that there is no other place you would rather be. Sal was home with our sick Cole, but Hayden, Liv and I made it to church early enough to sit in the comfy Chapel seats! A feat that never happens for us. Hayden was thrilled! Anyway as testimony meeting started I watched as a loving Brother Merkley pushed his wheelchair bound son up to the podium to bear his testimony. Lorin Merkely is 18 years old, graduated from high school in May and was diagnosed with cancer in August. The doctors at Phoenix Children's Hospital don't know what kind of cancer it is and neither does any other doctor in the world. They have sent his biopsy results to every corner of the Earth and no one can diagnose it. They have found tumors in several spots in his body, but the one most painful is one on his spine. This has limited his movement and for now has taken away the use of his legs. Today he bore his testimony about all that he is experiencing. He said it is a wonderful experience for him to watch the power of prayer and fasting. He said the doctors expect him to die but his Patriarchal blessing says he will serve a mission and so he knows he is going to live. My eyes filled with tears as I thought that he might be called to fulfil a much different mission along side our Father in Heaven. He said "people say I look worn down, but this cancer is building me up." He said how important it is for him to come take the sacrament EVERY week and there are times he can only stay that long. Lorin added that he tries to stay positive no matter what. He was truly inspiring!

His Father spoke next. He said that Lorin was his HERO. He admired his determination and his trust in Heavenly Father. Not once has Lorin complained or asked WHY me? Bro. Merkley talked about being on his knees in prayer pleading with Heavenly Father because he can't bear watching Lorin in pain. He said he doesn't know how Lorin handles it all so well because as a father he can't. He said he tries to remember that the Lord won't test us beyond that which we are able to endure. He testified of a loving Heavenly Father that does lift the burden and helps them endure.

As I sat listening, I was of course overwhelmed with tears and my heart was full. I could feel the Spirit. It reminded me to have an ETERNAL perspective in all things and to ENDURE and WELCOME the trials that Heavenly Father sees fit to put in my way. It may not be cancer, but sometimes the "little" trials are trying enough. I feel BLESSED to have been in Sacrament meeting today and to have felt Lorin and Craig Merkley's spirit and to have heard their testimonies. It filled me up for another week!

1 comment:

Heiner Happenings said...

Wow, what a great post Alicia! It brought tears to my eyes reading it,I'm sure it was even more moving to hear his testimony. Thanks for sharing...