Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mason is HERE!!

Mason Price Espericueta was born on March 27, 2010 at 5:41pm at Mercy Gilbert Hospital. He weighed 7 pounds and 8.6 ounces and was 20 inches long. He came after a VERY easy induction. Sal and I arrived at the hospital at 7am and our nurse Meredith layed out the game plan. Since I was group B strep + I would be started on the antibiotics at 8am, then the pitocin would come at 10 and she already had the anesthesiologist lined up to be there at 10:30 for the epidural. She painfully started the IV (the worst part of giving birth!) and the antibiotics and Sal and I watched The Proposal while we waited. She then started the pitocin and I expected to start having horrible contractions and that never happened. 10:30 came and went and so did 11 and 12 and 12:30 with nothing horrible happening. Meredith kept asking if I was ready for the epidural and since I wasn't in pain I kept telling her no. Finally at 12:30 I told Sal, "Maybe I should get the epidural so they can turn up the Pitocin and get this whole thing going."

Dr. Chan came in and did the epidural and we talked and chatted the whole time. To be honest I can't remember having a conversation with an anesthesiologist before. I have always been in too much pain to talk. This was a nice change. Within 10 minutes my legs were heavy and Sal and I snoozed while watching the NCAA tourney. Unfortunately, we had to wait until 5pm for the doctor to come break my water so I could start pushing. Meredith thought she could "accidentially" break it but according to her I have a bag of steel. It was funny to hear Dr. Adams my OB say the same thing when she tried to break it. Once my water had broken, it only took 5 minutes to feel the pressure and need to push. I think I pushed for 3 contractions and Mason was born.
I was able to hold Mason for probably 30 minutes before I finally told the nurses they could have him to weigh him and warm him up. Here are pictures of him being weighed....
The doctor had guessed he would weigh about 8 pounds 5 ounces and to be honest I was surprised how small he was.

The after delivery was easy as well. I think the hard part is being in the hospital with all the nurses in and out. I tried to be a very good patient so they would let me go home when I wanted to. On Sunday, Dr. McClure, our family doctor came in to see Mason. He really wanted me to stay in the hospital until Monday but I talked him into letting me go Sunday night. He said Mason looked great and he then did his circumcision. The new way to do circumcisions is AWESOME. I am not sure what they do, but I do know that there is no more vaseline and pulling the skin back. Can you tell I was super excited about that part? Now I guess we wait for the plastic ring to fall off.

Sunday night we waited for them to do his first PKU at 24 hours old. Once that was done I was able to walk out...... that was a first for me too. All the other times I had to be wheeled in a wheelchair and I hated looking so stupid!!

Life a home has been great. Sal was home yesterday and that was a HUGE help since the first night home I got about 2 hours sleep all night. The kids have been great. Cole and Olivia have been incredibly smothering. In fact, when I feed Mason, Cole sits right next to me and watches and Olivia tries to pull up my shirt and help Mason latch on. It has been a challenge to make everyone happy. Olivia is only happy if she is holding Mason and can't understand why she can feed, bathe, burp, and change him. I hope in a few days the newness will wear off and I can have a bit of space to do my thing. LOL

Today I take Mason to the doctor and we will see how much he weighs. I hope my milk comes in soon so he doesn't have to starve for too many more nights.

A couple of things I don't want to forget..... he came home at 7 pounds 7 ounces and has A+ blood. I will try to get a picture of him with his eyes open. Until last night he hadn't really opened them.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the kids. Granny and Papa, you were the hit of the weekend and the kids loved having you here. Thanks for always being willing to help and run them all over. I LOVE you both!


Shani said...

Congrats!!! We are so excited for you guys! Wish we could be closer to visit.

The Staheli's said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! He's beautiful.