Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A day for visiting the doctor

Today Mason had his 2 week check-up and he now weighs 8 pounds and 14 ounces and is 21 inches long. He is doing great, but had to have his second PKU test. I was surprised that he didn't really cry when he was poked. He whined a bit and then continued sucking on his pacifier.

The real heartbreak today came when I had to take Olivia to the podiatrist for a severely infected ingrown toenail. Yesterday she came home from Rochelle's house and she was limping. I asked her if she had hurt her foot and she told me she tripped but was feeling better. I didn't give it another thought. Then at Cole's baseball game, Granny pointed out that her toe looked infected. As soon as I saw it I knew what we were in for. Cole and Hayden have already had bouts with ingrown toenails and it is not fun.

This afternoon we went to see Dr. Coffey and he took one look at it and knew immediately that he had to remove the toenail in order to deal with the infection. He said that normally he would do the procedure under general anesthesia but because the infection was so bad, he had to take care of it then and there. I knew we would be in for a traumatic experience for little Olivia. I held her leg down and the doctor held her toe as still as he could and poor Olivia screamed her guts out as he numbed her toe and proceeded to cut the side of her toenail out. I have never experienced anything like that before. I felt helpless as Olivia cried for me to hold her. "I want you!" "Mom, please hold me!" she would scream as tears fell down my cheeks. What could I do, but try to comfort her as I held her down?

Near the end of the proceedure I thought I was going to pass out. I had to sit down, close my eyes, and concentrate on breathing slowly. Once Olivia was done she came and sat on my lap and I snuggled her tight to me. She continued to scream and I tried not to pass out. We were quite the team!! Little Mason slept through the whole thing. We stopped for ice cream on the way home even though she was STILL screaming and that continued even after we were home. Finally at about 5pm she settled down and watched TV until bed time.

Olivia has agreed to NEVER chew on her toenails again. Believe me a trip to see Dr. Coffey sure cured Cole of that same nasty habit. I hope it will do the same for Olivia.

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