Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Olivia's Hair

Here is a funny story about Olivia's hair. It was sent to me by one of my friends....

Today we were driving past the park and Olivia was sitting at the table and Sawyer says "mom, she is in my class at church." And I said "yeah, that's Olivia!" And he said "yes, I love her circles on her hair, how does she do that, mine is straight." And I said "you mean her curls?" and he said "Is that what you call them, I love them!" And then I told him that that is just how her hair is and she is lucky to have such beautiful hair. And he thought that was so neat that he had never seen anyone with "circles in their hair."

How does a Sunbeam.... and a BOY for that matter notice a girls hair? I was quite impressed. Thanks Cris for sharing this very funny story!

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