Saturday, January 24, 2009

I Love Our Ward Garden

Our ward was blessed to plant a winter garden on a small plot of land near the Church Welfare Farm. Each ward in our stake got about 6 or 8 rows to plant. Today, I went out to see what was ready to be picked. I was able to get broccoli, leaf lettuce, green onion and beets. Fairly soon the peas will also be ready.

I love pickled beets. I remember always eating them with Sunday dinner and seeing them in Gram's basement. In fact, I would always raid Gram's food storage when we would visit. My favorite thing was her yummy pickles. Anyway, today I was able to can 7 pints of beets. (Thanks Gram for giving the recipe to my Mom who gave the recipe to me) As the beets were cooking, it reminded me of the smell of Gram's house. In fact, as the kids came in the house, they asked, "What smells so good?" When I said "beets" they all turned up their noses. Sal and the kids won't TOUCH beets, although they would like them if they tried them! Oh well that just means more for me right??

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