Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Peeing in Rocks.....

A funny thing happened today when I picked Olivia up from her morning play group. Rochelle said Olivia had an accident in her pants. I was surprised because we haven't had an accident in weeks. Then she told me the story..... she said that they were walking to the park when Olivia decided, of course, that she needed to go pee. They were only one house away from her house so she told Olivia to quickly run back to the bathroom while she walked back with the other kids. Rochelle said she looked up and saw Olivia straddling a bush in the neighbors yard and she was peeing. Rochelle asked her what she was doing and Olivia said peeing in the rocks. As Rochelle was telling me this story I was laughing. Rochelle was relieved when I told her that when we are swimming and Olivia needs to pee, I just have her pee in the rocks. It sure beats getting out of the pool and walking though the house with wet feet or even worse peeing IN the pool. I can just picture Olivia straddling the neighbors bush peeing in the rocks! ;o)

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