I have to be honest, I am NOT a Cardinal fan.... never have been, but am sittin' on the band wagon now. HOWEVER, Sal has been a fan since the Cardinals set foot in this city. He has endured years and years and years.... ok 21 years to be exact.... of absolute miserable football. Every year, I ask Sal if he wants to pick a new team to cheer for and every year the answer is the same.... "NO, the Cardinals are MY team." He owns Cardinals t-shirts, hats, socks and he even put a Cardinal on the back of MY car. Now he had all this BEFORE this year. He has even brainwashed the kids to be Cardinal fans.
As this years season started, Hayden said to me, "Mom, I will bet you that the Cardinals go tot he Super Bowl!" I said, "Hayden, the Cardinals have NO chance of going to the Super Bowl, so I will bet you one million dollars that the Cardinals will NOT go to the Super Bowl." We quickly shook hands and the bet was on. Of course I was absolutely sure that hell would freeze over and pigs would fly first. Well, wouldn't you know.....

So Hayden, here is your million:

As we watched the game on Sunday, I was waiting for the normal Cardinal ending..... a hail Mary catch in the end zone for the Eagles and the Cardinals to lose the game. In the 4th quarter I actually thought I would throw up and Sal started pacing. With about 2 minutes left, when it looked as though the Cardinals would win, I looked at Sal and said, "you've got to be kidding me." I was stunned! Sal was speechless and just watched in awe. I truly think he never thought he would see this day. This years Super Bowl holds all new meaning for Sal this year. Hopefully, in 2 weeks the Cardinals will make history AGAIN!
Sal and his favorite player Deuce Lutui at the 49er game in SFO.
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