Last night Sal took the boys to the Monster Truck Jam. On their way home they stopped at Sonic for some icecream. As they were on their way home, Sal was pulled over by a policeman. He asked Sal if he had been drinking or doing drugs. When Sal said no he asked Sal to get out of the car. The officer then told Sal that he didn't smell any alcohol, but an undercover cop had observed Sal swerving, speeding up and slowing down and cutting people off. Sal told him that there was only one other car on the road and he was more than a 1/4 mile behind him. The officer still had Sal follow his finger and look at the flashlight. After this short field sobriety test, he asked where they had been and where they were going. Finally he told Sal to have a good night and let him go.
When Sal told me about this, I thought he was kidding. Once the kids came in and started talkin about it, I knew he was dead serious. He laughed about it and so did I. I just can't imagine Sal standing on the side of the road doing a sobriety test! LOL
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