Monday, October 12, 2009

A Change of Seasons

The weather has been so nice here lately. (I won't mention that we are expecting record heat later in the week..... yup back to 97 degrees!) We are even sleeping with the windows open. Early in the morning it gets fairly chilly in the house and I love that Sal tucks me in when he leaves for work.

This change in season means time to replace all the plants that were scorched by the summer heat. The kids were so excited to help their Dad in the yard. They dug holes for the new plants, and helped him plant winter grass. I love watching the baby grass grow and looking at the deep green that covers my yard. I love everything about Fall and the relief from the summer heat.

I do long for Salt Lake as I watch conference or the BYU games. I tell Sal every week that all I want is to live close enough to BYU to have season tickets and to sit in LaVell Edwards Stadium every few weeks.

I miss the bountiful fruit and the hours we spent canning when I was little. Luckily, I have found a way to get Utah peaches and pears to can, but somehow it isn't the same.

I miss the mountains and the colored leaves. The Sunday drives into the canyons just to see the changes.

I even miss the snow.... Hayden is our only child that has been skiing or sledding and that was on a family trip to Wyoming. What a shame that my kids haven't owned "Moon Boots" or walked to school with their pants tucked into those boots with their tennis shoes in their backpacks.

Sure they have experienced all that Arizona has to offer, but after living here for almost 25 years, I am ready for a change..... now if I could only find Sal and I jobs and sell our house.......

1 comment:

Shani said...

You can buy our house! ;)