Growing up Stake Lagoon Day was always the highlight of our summer. Kierstin and I would spend hours mapping out our day and planning what rides we would ride and in what order. We never did use that list, but it was fun to do. This year it was amazing to see my boys create the same kind of list. They had everything planned out. Unfortunately, it rained....maybe I should say it POURED the day we went to Lagoon. Most of the rides had to be shut down, and the boys wanted to go back to Snowbird. Sal bought the boys poncho's and told them it would be worth it to wait out the rain. So Olivia slept as the boys ran from ride to ride in the rain. As usual, Sal was right. The sun eventually did come out and it was a PERFECT evening for roller coaster riding.
The year Colossus came to Lagoon, I remember my Aunt Candi had to drag me kicking and screaming on that ride. In fact I cried the entire time! But after one ride, I was hooked. The same thing happened with Cole. All day he mostly hung with Liv and I riding the kiddie coasters. We all tried to talk him into riding some of the bigger coasters, but he wasn't gonna do it. Near closing time, I bribed Cole to go on Wicked with me. For $20 that kid will do anything. He LOVED it. He was then convinced that he COULD ride Colossus too. After that he didn't want to ride anything but the upside down rides. He even thinks he is ready for Magic Mountain and the REALLY BIG roller coasters.
We had the BEST day just being together as a family, laughing and playing. Like everything else, it comes to an end WAY too soon. We were all exhausted, but we have memories that will last a lifetime!
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