Today is Cole's 7th birthday and I always love to remember the day they were born. Sal HATES this story so I hope he forgives me for telling it.... I woke up at about 3 in the morning with contractions and I walked around the house for a while to make sure I was really in labor. Once I knew this was it, I called my mom and told her we were on our way and to meet us at the hospital. I then woke Sal up... thinking he would jump out of bed, get dressed and we would be on our way.... Well, it DIDN'T happen that way. Sal got out of bed, laid out several outfits on the bed trying to decide what to wear, then he washed and did his hair. I was so frustrated I went to sit on the couch. When I didn't see him for a few minutes I returned to our bedroom, where I realized he was in the bathroom with the NEWSPAPER. Need I say more? Then he woke Hayden up and put him in the car. Sal then asked if he should go back inside to get a change of clothes for Hayden as he was still in his p.j's. Through clenched teeth I said, "No, if he needs other clothes my mom can bring him back to the house!" We were finally off. Sal then proceeded to run every stop light on the way to Desert Sam. Hospital. Cole David was born at 7:20am. He weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and was 21 inches long.
Here are some pictures of Cole:

Here you are at your first 4th of July parade in Eagar....

One day I found you here..... on a shelf in the closet. I was amazed that you could climb onto the shelf without falling off.

In our family we have a tradition, each child gets cake in their face on their first birthday. It started with Sal.... here he is on his first birthday....

and here you are Cole on your first birthday.

You and Hayden in matching Halloween costumes......

Here we are in Wyoming in the snow.....

One of my favorite pictures of Cole..... You have big beautiful brown eyes, just like your Dad.

Cole, you are such an amazing boy. You are a good student and you always try your very best. You love to help... whether it is mowing the lawn or baking cookies, you are always the first one to ask to help and you do it cheerfully. You look up to Hayden and I know you want to be just like him. Continue to be the good boy that you are. Dad and I are so proud of you and all that you accomplish. We love you Cole!! Happy Birthday!
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