I have never been a political person. Sure I have voted in EVERY election since turning 18, but I have never CARED..... not as much as I did this year. Sal and I voted weeks ago so we didn't have to stand in the long line, but I would have done it if I had to. I felt that strongly about Barack Obama. I have felt that way for a very long time. As a registered Republican, I had nothing to do with Barack winning the Democratic nomination, but on this day, I had a part in electing him President of the United States of America. It sounds silly, but as I watched his acceptance speech last night I was moved to tears. I believe he is an EXTRA-ORDINARY man, one that will lead with integrity and with honor. One that will think about my family and the struggles that we face in raising kids, in paying bills, in staying employed. I cried as I watched him with Michelle and their daughters. His love and support for them. I cried as he talked about his parents and grandma who were unfortunately not here to celebrate with him. I cried as he talked about the 106 year old woman in Alabama. To think about all that she has seen and been through in our Nation's history. For the first time in a VERY long time, I am proud of our Country and the direction we are heading. I believe in our future and we have an amazing man to lead us!
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